There is an enormous force in people - the force of customs - that is an education of thousands of years. We are accustomed to the path of separation. The idea of unification destroys the order that we are used to living in. We are accustomed to living in the light of competition. This is how society accustomed us to live. But the demand now is to live in fraternity and with unified forces. The idea for which we unify, and which makes us the chalutzim of today's society, is the idea of the commune, of collaboration. The faith in human beings, in their strength, their creation, their war, negates the idea of competition and the goal of being totally able to not depend on others.
The main content of the movement, and the necessary path, is the path of the kvutza, because there won't be any freedom if society is not based on the forces of collaboration, help, and mutual responsibility. We are not optimist-utopists who believe that human beings are naturally good. We know that human beings aren't only good, we know that there also exist forces of competition and that we are not only motivated by fraternity, but also by hatred and egotism. And this idea of kvutza is of a society that doesn't compete and where the human being fights on its behalf in an inner war against his tendencies.
The main idea of Tnuat HaAvoda is that of collaboration and cooperation. The thing that was created in the world workers movement isn't only a public war, but also an inner spiritual war. And our movement in Israel calls for human beings to fight against themselves...
...We have no illusions, we know the path doesn't lead itself. It is important that we can see our path within the atmosphere around it.
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